Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Vision = Effort ... a Perspective of Pain

I love to climb. Well, I did. Until I gained an unnecessary thirty pounds (of which I've lost 15 so I'm working on that). But climbing is all about perspective. Like writing. Either way you have a length of impossibility to conquer.

My husband says I cry worse climbing than I did having my daughter. Ever watch those tennis players who scream each time they hit the ball? That's me. Only louder. Each time I launch myself upward and try to latch onto a crevice without plummeting 2 inches to my death. (ropes. they help.)

I scream when I write too. Inwardly of course. Yes, that would be funny. A writer balancing their laptop and screaming in effort each time they launch themselves forward in an effort to end a chapter. LOL

Either way ... life's pursuits take - effort. Vision and Effort can sandwich deep thoughts (like my Tuesday post). Vision and Effort must go hand in hand. But Effort requires sweat, pain, stamina, and most all ... a willingness to try, try again. When I climb a 5.7 rock pitch - which to most good climbers is simply a warm up climb - I have to mentally prepare myself. I know, realistically, I won't get it on my first ascent. Maybe not on my third, either. And three ascent attempts are about as much as I can muster becuase by then my muscles are quivering, my fingertips aching, my breath coming in such little pulses that screaming is no longer an option.

SO with effort comes the need to pursue. I have to pursue that 5.7. Maybe all summer. But when I make it - when my lips touch that caribeener and then the rock and then I sit back in my harness and survey the vast landscape from heights I climbed to ... ahhh ... that is amazing.

It doesn't come quick. It doesn't come without pain. I don't come out looking glorious. More like a hippo that just squeezed itself into a harness and blundered its blustering self up the side of a mountain. But I did it. Vision = Effort = Success. And success isn't necessarily measured by your book sandwiched between a beautiful front and back cover with your author name in larger print than the title. Sometimes success is typing "The End". The next climb is coming ... but you conquered this one.

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